Sunday, March 6, 2011

Field Trip!

Hi all,
Sorry it's been a while since we've posted; we've been busy moving into our apartment and getting more acquainted with our work situation, as well as preparing for our first trip to the field.

We're heading to Lanao for about 6 days, visiting with a variety of Peacebuilders partners and making more new connections. We're excited and somewhat nervous for our first field exposure, but we trust that it will an enriching experience.

We are extremely excited to get out of the city for a while! It can be somewhat overstimulating with all the people and noise and movement in this city. On Friday, the PBCI staff participated in Armed Conflict Area Survival Training (ACAST) in preparation for our trip(s) to the field, and we drove up to a place called Hope Mountain to do this. It was so amazing to look out over Davao and realize how lush and green the surrounding area is. Sometimes it's easy to forget this in the midst of the concrete of the city. Part of our trip to the field will involve hiking and we are so excited to be out in nature!

Please pray for us as we venture out this week. Although we are super excited, it is also always a bit nerve-wracking to be venturing into the unknown. We look forward to sharing with you our experiences in the field when we get back next Saturday or Sunday.

Until then, peace be with you all! Thanks for your continued support and lovely comments on our blog :)

- Jenna


  1. I'm really looking forward to hearing about the trip when you guys get back. Liana and I will be thinking about / praying for you guys each day.

    PS I love all the colour in your photos! It looks like such a vibrant place!

    PPS Started the Christianity/Nonviolence series in study today at church. Really made me think of you guys. I've been in contact with Joji about somehow connecting Peacebuilders to the discussion we'll be having at Peace. Maybe you guys could get involved!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Hearts!
    We are keeping you in our prayers as you venture out into to many exciting, unfamiliar unkowns. I can imagine that you are going through a tumult of feelings and emotions as you get acclimatived to a new culture, and the newness of all your surroundings. Christ has called you to many great and exciting things. May you be blessed and enriched as you go to where He is leading you!
